Sukanya hati, tangan, kaki dan badan aku untuk ajak korang semua menonton teater! Kalau kau tak pernah tengok teater sebelum ni, tengok lah teater ni. Kalau kau pernah tengok teater, tapi PGL, kau lagi lah kena tengok teater ni! Untuk pengetahuan, teater ini dibikin oleh "orang - orang lama bikin teater". Faham? Bagus.
Tapi janganlah mengharapkan teater popular macam Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical. Itu salah SATU cabang teater je. Ingat tu.
Teater bukan Istana Budaya dan Istana Budaya bukan teater.
(tapi dalam English, theatre ada 2 maksud).
Jadi aku syorkan teater ini untuk ditonton oleh semua. Dan korang tak payah pakai FORMAL untuk tengok teater ni (macam Istana Budaya). Untuk pengetahuan korang jugak, sebelum ni, Ka Si Pe Cah pernah dipentaskan di Jepun dan Singapura dan hari ini diaorang pentaskan di KL.
Oleh itu, marilah! Mahu tengok kulit ayam?
Tapi janganlah mengharapkan teater popular macam Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical. Itu salah SATU cabang teater je. Ingat tu.
Teater bukan Istana Budaya dan Istana Budaya bukan teater.
(tapi dalam English, theatre ada 2 maksud).
Jadi aku syorkan teater ini untuk ditonton oleh semua. Dan korang tak payah pakai FORMAL untuk tengok teater ni (macam Istana Budaya). Untuk pengetahuan korang jugak, sebelum ni, Ka Si Pe Cah pernah dipentaskan di Jepun dan Singapura dan hari ini diaorang pentaskan di KL.
Oleh itu, marilah! Mahu tengok kulit ayam?
Co-presented by Pentas Project Theatre Production + The Instant Café Theatre Company + Aternative Stage
Pentas Theatre Collaboration Project
Projek Kerjasama Pentas Teater

“These three pieces, as a whole, have challenged us not only in our thinking about language, but also in our thinking beyond language.”
“Beautiful and elliptical… exuberant… …Dramatists across the Causeway explore issues of language, politics and identity with mostly beautiful and hilarious results.”
By Adeline Chia, Singapore
…each director …. succeeds in delivering something resonant, relevant and powerful.,,, a remarkable evening, displaying the vibrant diversity of the KL theatre scene
The Flying Inkpot, Singapore
Pentas Theatre Collaboration Project is a platform of interaction within different cultures and realms which encourages diversity and possibilities in theatre arts and theatre language.
A collaboration based on the theme of LANGUAGE between three Malaysian theatre companies, Pentas Project, The Instant Café Theatre Company and Alternative Stage. Premiered in 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, it went on its international tour to Japan and Singapore in 2008, and is now back to KL.
A triple-bill of plays --
Silence, please
Directed by Jo Kukathas
3 women deal with the death of their mother, two men create a work of art and someone has something to say about what is not being said…
Directed by Loh Kok Man
This is a formal yet informal report. Repot[Mind+Mine] humorously explores the situations and irony in the Malaysian lingo.
If they could go back in time, if they walk into the world of P. Ramlee, if they tell you and me – Language is only a strange kind of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…
Directed by Nam Ron
In an unknown space, a blindfolded man tries desperately to connect with another man in a futile attempt to avoid death. He asks to share a cigarette, tries to find out his his gaoler’s name and then finds himself beginning to share his hopes and dreams…
Casts : Anitha Abdul Hamid, Anne James, Chen Huen Phuei, Gan Hui Yee, Kiea Kuan Nam, Lee Swee Keong, Ayam Fared, Moo Siew Keh, Thiagu, Tin Tan Chai Chen, Where, Sukania Venugopal,
Set Design : Caecar Chong & Teoh Shaw Gie
Music Composer and Sound Design : Ng Chor Guan
Lighting Design : Loh Kok Man
Multimedia : Au Sow Yee
Stage Manager : Jason Lai
25th ~ 28th September 2008
8:30pm ( Wednesday to Sunday )
3:00pm ( Sunday )
RM 47 (Adults)
RM 27 (Students, Disable & Senior Citizens)
10% discount for Astro subscribers
PREVIEW 24th September 2008 @ 8:30pm / RM 27 Only
Box Office (KLPac) 4047 9000 (TASB) 2094 0400/1400
More info : /
Supported by HSBC in the Arts / ASTRO / Colorganda!
Break-ing / 击破 (Ji Po) / Ka Si Pe Cah - VIDEO PROMO!
oohh..barulah faham nape cakap "aiseh" haritu bile sebut istana budaya...
u involve tak dlm teater ni.
@eja - aiseh? masa bila eh? hahaha...
@lovie - tidak involve. tetapi kenalan saya yang saya kagumi yg involve. Kamu tidak mahu tonton org yg saya kagumi? :)
Bob kata mindset sesetengah org agak klise. Sebut teater = IB. Macam mana pulak
isu tetaer = cerita English@dialog English. Kalau cerita Melayu, mesti yg
jenis 'period'. Zaman dulu2...sebelum merdeka d.s.b. Satu lagi, kenapa promosi
tetaer berbahasa Inggeris lebih hebat berbanding tetaer berbahasa Melayu.
Dan sambutan bagi kedua-dua jenis tetaer ni berbeza. Tetaer BI ada kelompok
peminatnya tersendiri tetapi peminta tetaer BM bermusim. Ada org 'glamor', 'famous'
sikit baru ada sambutan.
@mb - benar. itulah benda yg tgh jadi dlm industri teater kita hari ni. orang ingat teater melayu ni hanyalah BANGSAWAN, ada tengkolok, ada keris. Teater terpecah - pecah kat Malaysia ni. Kalau nak cerita punca dia kat mana, panjang sgt kot. Nak korek susur galur dia kat mana. Mungkin kita kena duduk berbual pasal benda ni. Atau aku akan post satu entri utk menceritakan isu ni je. Tapi tu kalau aku rajin. Haha..
Tapi MB, ini semua berbalik pada mentaliti org kita. Dan salah satu tujuan diaorang bikin Ka Si Pe Cah adalah utk menyatukan penonton teater inggeris, melayu dan cina sambil memecahkan jurang antara peminat teater yg berlainan. Itu salah satu tujuan projek ini dibikin.
nak tgk ... nak tgk ... esok last day ... mesti lg besh!!!!!
hahaha ... marilaaa ... =)
silakan .. kalau tak menyesal!
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